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On these pages, I'd like to report on, to inquire about, to discourse on various subjects, very distant from each other. These subjects are grouped into two sections presented as 'Genealogy' and 'Sputniks' in the main menu. Both titles are conditional ones, since various related subjects are considered along with genealogy and sputniks (satellites) as such.
Not only family trees and pedigree charts are included in the 'Genealogy' section, but also material falling within disciplines of geography, ethnography, linguistics. However, the connecting link in all cases remains the same – the study (and description) of people's origins and kinship.
In 'Sputniks' ('Astronautics') section, of course, the matter concerns those human-made objects which circle round the planet hundreds and thousand miles above our heads, – namely, artificial Earth satellites, or simply sputniks. Vehicles which abandon Earth altogether, making their way towards other planets or even other stars, are not excluded from consideration as well. Another point concerns manufacturing, operation, and application of above-mentioned objects – i.e. things which, taken together, are frequently mentioned as space activities: what is the place of these in the life of world community and some particular countries, how space activities are organized and financed, etc. Plus, besides all that, – centuries-old history of spaceflight idea...
When Ukrainian history, ethnography, etc., is in question, the web-pages will be trilingual (including English, Russian, and Ukrainian versions), otherwise bilingual (English and Russian versions) or, as for most texts of newspaper and magazine articles, with only Russian version. The content of Russian, Ukrainian, English versions of a page is not necessarily identical.
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